Because you have been discerning in choosing a Silentnight Bed, we wish to express our appreciation by offering you the security of the very best in terms of product guarantee.
Wherever possible, replacement product will be like for like. However, if a particular style, material or model is no longer available we will substitute appropriately from our current range. The guarantee is only intended for domestic products purchased and used for domestic purposes. For mattress guarantee purposes, please note that the maximum user weight is 18 stone (114kgs) per sleeping side.
For full terms and conditons of the 5 year guarantee please see the download.
Consequently, if you have purchased a Silentnight divan bed (a matching base and mattress), in the unlikely event that a problem should arise due to faulty material or poor workmanship, during the first 12 months from the date of purchase we promise to replace any part, or all of the product that is defective completely free of charge.
During the period 12-24 months, replacements will be free of charge but will attract a contribution to the transport costs. In subsequent years, a sliding scale of charges is payable by the consumer based on usage plus transport costs as follows:
Any claim must be made no later than 5 years from the date of purchase.
This guarantee also applies to a Silentnight Beds bedstead mattress and base. However as bedsteads are more of a ‘fashion’ item and we cannot predict the longevity of any one design, replacements will be subject to the current range. Please note that the Silentnight bedstead is designed for use only with a Silentnight mattress of the appropriate size. Use of a mattress of different weight, dimensions or support strength could damage the bedstead or impair its resistance qualities. Accordingly, this guarantee will not apply if the bedstead has been used with a mattress other than of Silentnight Beds manufacture.
This guarantee applies to goods purchased from an authorised retailer of Silentnight beds and mattresses within the UK and Northern Ireland and, in all instances, applies to product only where it has been used and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions.
Please ensure that you read and comply with the Warranty Conditions and Aftercare Instructions
This Guarantee does not affect your statutory rights.
Click here to download 3.55 MB - pdf